Casio Exilim EX-P600 RAW file conversion
I'd like to start with a warning. This script is probably for image
purists/advanced Photoshop users only. Others,
I am afraid, will not appreciate it in the slightest.
Firstly, it requires additional installs. Secondly, it's incredibly
resource-hungry. (On my 3+ gigahertz Pentium 4 with 1 gigabyte of
RAM it runs for about 3 minutes per image. With lots of hard drive
swapping, too). And last but not least, to most people the output
will appear as blurred with washed-out colors.
So why did I make it then?
Unfortunately, I have found that both "unofficial" modified
dcraw and Debayerize
1 PS plugin leave color-comb and some other artifacts that cannot
be simply removed without sacrificing image quality, and therefore
make further image processing a lot harder. Sharpening, in particular,
is almost impossible.
Also, I wanted to see what happens if camera's internal image processing
is replaced by no-compromise Photoshop routines, where you don't
really care about how much processing power you throw in, and are
able to control every step. I can't say I am fully satisfied with
my script (it's not optimized yet, and requires further tweaking),
but it already produces really smooth, almost pro-like images with
good dynamic range and plenty of room for advanced sharpening and
color correction.
To see my point (or, more precisely, the lack of oddly colored
ones :)) let's take a look at 4x magnified portion of the same RAW
image processed by different software:

Modified dcraw - full

Debayerize 1 - full

My Photoshop script (Unsharp
Mask PS filter applied afterwards, 200%, 0.3 px, thrsh. 2) - full
(Unfortunately, I cannot post full images in any other format
than JPEG, due to very large file sizes. All of them were saved
in Photoshop with JPEG quality setting at 100%, which is the maximum
possible JPEG quality.)
If you see the difference and feel intrigued, let me now describe
the process.
First, you will need a RAW file written by your Casio
Exilim Pro EX-P600 camera to work with. I have my reasons not
to post information on how to enable RAW mode here, so please refer
to other
sources for such information. (Thanks to Maurice Delaney)
Second, you have to download the following software:
Please refer to Photoshop
manual for information on how to install and run action scripts
and plugins. My script should be compatible with Photoshop 7 and
Photoshop CS, with latter more thoroughly tested. Please also note
IT MAY CAUSE. I am dead serious. As I previously
mentioned, the script is so resource hungry that it is quite capable
of overloading your PC up to levels where it ceases to respond and
who knows what else. I can assure you, though, that I did not deliberately
put any malicious code into it.
Now, once you have everything installed, let's make a linear mapped
Photoshop PSD file. Create a new folder on your hard drive C: and
rename it to "MYRAW". Put dcraw.exe and your RAW file
into that folder. Run dcraw.exe on the RAW file with command-line
options -a -3 -d (-a for automatic white balance,
-3 for 48-bit PSD output, -d to skip internal
debayerizing routines). Command line should look like this:
C:\MYRAW\dcraw.exe -a
-3 -d CIMGxxxx.RAW
After that, you should have a new file called CIMGxxxx.psd. That
file is what we actually need to continue.
Now, start Photoshop. Make sure Bayerize plugin is properly installed
(check Filter --> Bayer Pattern menu). This plugin will be used
for Bayer
pattern generation only, not De-bayerizing as you might think
:) If you have Photoshop running already, close all open documents
in it. If you didn't do that, script will not run properly. Also,
unless you have a monster workstation with 2+ gigs of RAM, I'd suggest
you close all other running applications in order to give Photoshop
as much computing power as possible.
Open the PSD file you just made in MYRAW folder. It should look
almost completely dark and colorless when opened. Now, go to the
Action menu, select ex_p600
Action set, then select "raw" script, then cross your
fingers, then click "Play selection" button at the bottom
of action palette window.
Now you have enough time for a cigarette or cup of coffee. When/if
script is successfully finished, you should have a 16 bit one-layer
full color full size image you can tweak to your heart's content
:) You will probably want to adjust levels, saturation and sharpness.
All these should now work properly without colored comb patterns
popping up everywhere. Also, due to smoothness, image will take
less space when saved as JPEG... Well, you are on your own now,
good luck, thanks for reading this :)
I would like to express my gratitude to Владимир Родионов, who
kindly provided me with invaluable information about compact digicams
in general and EX-P600 in particular. You might want to read his
review of
Casio Exilim EX-P600 (in Russian.)
UPDATE: I've added new action named raw_fast to
the ex_p600 action set.
It makes use of custom filters, works MUCH faster than the previous
"raw" action (maybe ten times faster on my PC, so now
there's no time left for a cigarette or cup of coffee) and produces
different, yet sometimes even better images. I'd suggest you always
use "raw_fast". I left the old one in the action set for
testing purposes.
UPDATE: New action raw_sharp is added. It's very
fast and produces the sharpest images with no actual sharpening
applied. Bayerize plugin is not required anymore. Prior to first
time use, though, you have to create an actual bayer pattern. To
do it, follow these steps:
- Create new document: Name "bayer"; Width 2 pixels;
Height 2 pixels; Color Mode RGB 8 bit.
- Magnify the document, and by using pencil tool, set pixels as
follows: top left - pure red (255,0,0); bottom right - pure blue
(0,0,255), the remaining two pixels should be pure green (0,255,0).
- Press CTRL+A to select the image. Go to menu Edit --> Set
Pattern and add the pattern to the set.
- Now, open the "raw_sharp" action, find "Fill"
command (should be second) and doubleclick it. A dialog box should
pop up.
- In the dialog box select: Use: Pattern; Custom Pattern: bayer
(the one you just created); Blending Mode: Linear Burn; Opacity
100%. Click Ok.
You have to do it first time only. After that, you can play "raw_sharp"
action just like the other actions. The settings you've made willl
be saved when you exit Photoshop.

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