Gene's Digest Macrophotography
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Painted moth
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Painted moth
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Keywords: moth
Shooting location: Jamaica Bay, New York


Matheus — 14:52 30 Jun 2012
My meal Moth problem seems to have drcaeesed fabulously; I may see and kill between moth traps and swatting about 5 to 6 a week. We do have four bird cages in the house and empty the trays regularly. Lately though we noticed that moths have been trying to get in from outside. I believe the pheromones from the traps are attracting them from outdoors now! We do\'nthave enough moths to have the couple of females that we do end up swatting to do that! Is there any solution for this problem? Just when we think things are under control ..BOOM! We start to see them again!

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