Gene's Digest Macrophotography
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Keywords: action posture texture
Shooting location: Jamaica Bay, New York
Flash type: Canon 580EX + Canon 430EX, handmade diffusers
Lens: Sigma 150mm macro + Sigma TC 1.4x + modified Kenko extension tube, 36 mm


Mukhtar — 18:48 13 Nov 2015
- Love the photo Heath just the right amount of scrrttuue, tonal range, and mystery. I think the angle of this shot is much more interesting than a straight-on' shot would have been.
Юлия — 04:55 25 Aug 2008
Такой... такой, я бы даже сказала, пушистый! :)
У Вас отличные фотографии.
Ivan — 14:31 08 May 2007

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