Gene's Digest Macrophotography
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White moth
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White moth
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Keywords: moth
Shooting location: Jamaica Bay, New York
Flash type: Canon 580EX + Canon 430EX, handmade diffusers
Lens: Sigma 150mm macro + Kenko extension tubes


Hong — 07:45 08 Mar 2013
I couldn\'t tell you exatlcy for the macromoths, Vincent, but Covell only offers a very cursory treatment of the micromoths. We\'ve included close to 600 micromoth species in our book, and over 900 species of macromoth. Covell had just under 1300 species total, but this included a number of more southern species that won\'t be in our guide because they don\'t occur, or don\'t occur widely, in our range. Ours will be a more comprehensive treatment of the moths that occur in ne. North America. For example, Covell illustrates one species of Xylena swordgrass, while we have three; he shows eight species of Lithophane pinion, while we include fifteen.
Alex — 10:01 03 Jan 2008
Прямо таки кокетка натуральная. Спрятала глаз за лапку.
Alyona — 22:52 13 Dec 2006
Действительно пушистая.
Maya Novikova — 07:49 06 Dec 2006
Это что-то совершенно потрясающее.

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