Gene's Digest Macrophotography
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Zethus sp. (Eumeninae)
Keywords: texture
Shooting location: Casa del Mar, La Romana, Dominican Republic
Flash type: Canon 580EX + Lumiquest Ultrasoft (master); Canon 430EX + handmade diffuser (slave)
Lens: Sigma 150mm + modified Kenko rings 20+36=56 mm


Maymay — 01:41 28 Nov 2012
Pick # 3 in the first row. It\'s good because the cows look the vwieer in the eye the two of them are nicely positioned and it shows something of the sky and the filed where they live. BASTA! Picked! Done! Move on! Mom
Efram Goldberg — 11:07 29 Jun 2012
Hi, Great Shot! Can you please list the F stop, and shutter speed, thank You!
vv — 11:09 14 Dec 2006
Как у неё зад не отваливается! Держится на честном слове!

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